Wiborg wants the flag in the parliament

Wiborg FrpErling Wiborg is a Member of Parliament for the Progress Party. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix.

Wiborg (Frp) wants the Norwegian flag in the parliamentary hall

“Why is there not a single Norwegian flag in the Norwegian Parliament? I think that is very peculiar, ”Member of the Norwegian Parliament, Erlend Wiborg (Progress Party), queries.

Wiborg now submits a proposal to the presidency regarding the issue.

“The flag is something all Norwegians have in common, regardless of gender, age, religion, skin colour or other backgrounds. I am, therefore, of the opinion that the flag must appear in the National Assembly of Norway. If there is one place the flag belongs, in addition to on May 17th, then that must be in the parliamentary hall,” Wiborg tells NTB.

The Member of Parliament has travelled a lot, visiting parliaments in other countries.

In several of those, the national flag has a prominent place. the Danish Parliament, for example, decided to introduce the Danish flag in 2017.

“We should not be embarrassed by our flag. On the contrary, we should be proud of it and other national symbols, such as the Norwegian Constitution,” Wiborg asserts.


The Progress Party politician is addressing the presidency of the Norwegian Parliament, asking them to address the issue.

“I hope the inquiry is well received, and that we can have a public debate about this. Many people have opinions regarding the issue, ranging from artists, architects to historians,” he states.

“Where in the hall should the flag hang or stand?”

“I’m relatively open on that. I don’t want to bind myself to a single position. It is a very venerable hall, and you must be cautious about making major changes and adjustments. We need a broad process,” he answers.

Parliamentary President, Tone Trøen (Conservatives), confirms that she is informed about the proposal.

“It will be dealt with by the presidency in an ordinary manner,” she informs.

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