75% of Norwegians between the ages of 16 and 79 have shopped online during the past 12 months. The most prolific online shoppers are persons with a higher education, according to the latest figures from Statistics Norway (SSB).
The percentage of persons who shop online has remained fairly stable during recent years, with an increase from 67% in 2009 to 75% in 2016.
On the other hand, the revenue for online shops has increased significantly, from NOK 8.2 billion in 2009 to NOK 16 billion in 2015, according to Statistics Norway (SSB).
This increase continued in 2016, with a turnover that was 12.7% higher for the first half of the year than for the corresponding period in 2015.
Figures from a survey “Use of IT in households” shows a clear correlation between online shopping and higher education.
Last year, 85% of those with a college or university education shopped online, versus 69% of those with high school education and 65% of those with secondary school as their highest education.
Online shopping is prevalent in all age groups up to 55-64 years old. Those between the ages of 35 and 44 shopped most frequently online, while only 13% of people between the ages of 75 and 79 have shopped online during the past year.
59% of the population between the ages of 16 and 79 have shopped online during the past three months.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today