13-year-old glared pilots using a powerfull laser pointer
A 13-year-old boy attempted to blind several pilots using a laser pointer as they were approaching Trondheim Airport Værnes. He also used it against people passing by his home.
At 8 pm on Friday, the police in Trøndelag reported that several planes were targeted by a green laser as they approached Trondheim airport Værnes, reports Adresseavisen.
After several tips from the public, who were also targeted by the culprit, the police two hours later could report that it was a 13-year-old boy who was the perpetrator. They have impounded the laser pointer and have had a serious talk to the boy and his parents.
The police Tweets that the boy was “very sorry and regretful after the dangerous deed.”
After 2015, it is made illegal to possess or make use of powerful laser pointers in Norway without permission from the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, partly just because pilots has been blinded by them. This raises the question where, an how, he obtained it.
Norwegian law does not provide for further legislative action against the boy. The parents, or whoever owns the device, can however look forward to a hefty fine.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today