By the end of February, the UDI had received 136 asylum applications after the Parliament order that all people who turn 18 in October were to be sent back to their country of origin. All applications are young men from Afghanistan.
About half of the applicants (61) seem to meet the criteria determined by Parliament, according to the Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
UDI assumes that there are about 200 people who can be covered by the scheme. The deadline for applications is the second of May.
“We are good at informing them, but it is a challenging job to reach everyone. We are constantly working to make the process work as optimal as possible, “says Director Hanne Jendal.
She explains that UDI has already started processing the first incoming cases.
‘Oktoberbarna’ is Afghans who came to Norway as single minor asylum seekers in the autumn of 2015. They were temporarily residing here until they became 18 years of age when they could be returned for re-migration in Afghanistan.
The majority of Parliament decided in November 2017 against both parties, Frp and Høyres’ voices that they should review the matter again and that immigration authorities must take into account whether they are vulnerable, have carers and networks where they going to be sent.
It is the asylum seekers age at the time of the original decision, that counts.
Those who can re-apply are those who received their decisions between 1 October 2016 and 1 February 2018, and have been granted a temporary residence permit until their 18th birthday. In addition, in their last decision it must have been decided that they to be sent back for re-migration to their home country.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today