19 evacuated during fire in Os

Fire truck collisionFire truck.Photo: Heiko Junge / SCANPIX

A dwelling was completely destroyed in a fire in Os near Bergen on Thursday. No one was injured in the fire, but 19 people were evacuated.

The police was notified at 3:13 that a house was ablaze  at Søfteland in Os.
– All the emergency services were sent to the site. Two people are living in the house, but they got out. In addition, two dogs got away from the fire uninjured, operations manager Morten Kronen West police said to the news agency NTB. At about  5 ‘o clock the fire brigade had the fire under control, and there no longer was any danger of the fire spreading. The evacuated neighbors could then return to their houses.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today