A 24-year-old man from Telemark has been charged with attempted complicity in terrorist acts in Denmark and England. He denies criminal guilt.
“An indictment has been issued against a person for three attempts at complicity in terrorism,” public prosecutor Geir Evanger told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
According to the indictment, one of the attacks was aimed at a church in England, probably St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, according to news bureau NTB. One Briton was arrested in October 2019 before the act was committed.
In addition, an attack in Denmark was also allegedly planned but was not carried out.
The indictment also points to a case where the 24-year-old allegedly tried to participate in a terrorist act that was to be committed by an unknown person. It is uncertain whether the terrorist act was committed.
Charged with ISIS participation
The man is also charged with participating in the terrorist organization ISIS. He is said to have been an administrator and a key member of a large number of extremist and ISIS-sympathetic user groups and channels.
“We consider him a relatively central participant in many of these groups. According to Norwegian law, that qualifies as participation in a terrorist organization,” the public prosecutor said.
The 24-year-old is also accused of having used violence against a fellow prisoner in Skien prison. He is currently in custody in another prison.
The man does not admit criminal guilt, his lawyer, lawyer Brynjar Meling, stated. The trial will take place in Oslo District Court from May 18 to June 15.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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