Between 500 and 600 pigs died after a barn fire at Fenes outside Bodø on Monday night.
– When we got to the place, there was lots of black smoke. The crews at the site registered no animal sounds from the barn, so we fear the worst.
It does not look good, Operations Manager in the Salten Police told VG after emergency services arrived at the scene of the fire.
The Police fear that between 500 and 600 pigs were trapped inside and died in the fire.
– All the pigs are dead, and that was already the case when we got to the place, Nilsson confirmed just after 6 am on Monday.
Fire-fighters from Bodø got help from crews called out from Bodø Airport in the extinguishing efforts.
– The crews have broken through the roof, but it still is a heavy fire. It’s very awkward, but they are working full time. We have also alerted the Civil Defence in case we run out of water, says Nilsson.
– There is trouble getting enough water to extinguish the fire, says the Operations Manager.
The police was notified about the fire at Fenes outside Bodø at 3.23 am. The owner of the barn reported the fire.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today