7,300 households will receive a new postcode on October 1st

Posten NorgePosten Norge: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix

7,300 households and 600 companies will receive a new postal address on October 1st. Nine cities and towns will get one or more new zip codes.

– We encourage everyone who gets a new postal code to notify their contacts. We will continue to deliver parcels and letters with the old postal code, but eventually the wrong address will delay the postal service, says Post Manager Kenneth Pettersen.

The post changes postcodes once a year, October 1st. This is done at Norway Post’s initiative to make the distribution as optimal as possible, or upon application, for example from municipalities.

Three new post offices are created:

  • 7207 Ytre Snillfjord, which consists of the part of 7257 Snillfjord that became part of the new Heim municipality on January 1st.
  • 9537 Tverrelvdalen and 9538 Rafsbotn are created by dividing the 9517 Alta into three.

These are the cities and towns where zip codes will change:

  • 8680 Trofors is replaced with 8682 Trofors, 8683 Trofors, 8684 Trofors and 8685 Trofors.
  • 8690 Hattfjelldal is replaced with 8692 Hattfjelldal, 8693 Hattfjelldal, 8694 Hattfjelldal, 8695 Hattfjelldal and 8696 Hattfjelldal.
  • 8980 Vega is replaced with 8982 Vega, 8983 Vega, 8984 Vega and 8986 Vega.
  • 9520 Kautokeino is retained in the center, and in addition 9522 Kautokeino, 9523 Kautokeino, 9524 Kautokeino, 9527 Kautokeino, 9528 Kautokeino and 9529 Kautokeino are created.
  • 9730 Karasjok is kept in the center and in addition 9731 Karasjok, 9732 Karasjok, 9733 Karasjok, 9734 Karasjok, 9736 Karasjok and 9737 Karasjok are created.
  • 9800 Vadsø is retained in the town center, and in addition 9801 Vadsø, 9803 Vadsø and 9804 Vadsø are created.
  • 9845 Tana is maintained in the center, and in addition 9841 Tana, 9842 Tana, 9843 Tana and 9844 Tana are created.
  • 9105 Kvaløya is split in two and one gets 9109 Kvaløya.
  • 9518 Alta is split in two and one gets 9541 Alta.

In addition, Norway Post created four new postcodes for post office facilities on July 1: 3546 Krokkleiva, 3542 Sokna, 4486 Feda and 8192 Jektvik.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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