A meteor fell near NORSAR’s station on Løten just after midnight on Tuesday, January 5. The meteor is estimated to have weighed between 0.5 and 2 kilos.
The meteor fell at a speed of around 300 kilometers per hour and landed around Eidsfjellet, east of Tangen and west of Flisa, NORSAR (Norwegian Seismic Array) stated in a press release.
It fell around 15–20 kilometers from NORSAR’s measuring station at Løten in the Inland county.
Residents of the area were able to observe a bright light and loud noises during that night.
Loud bang
A loud bang could be heard as the meteor broke the atmosphere around 21 minutes after midnight.
NORSAR’s signals show that it landed around three minutes later, at 0:24 AM.
Scientists have so far not succeeded in finding the meteor.
“It would be fun to find it, but it requires luck to find a meteor deep in the forest,” Tormod Kværna at NORSAR noted.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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