The contractors who built the residential area at Ask in Gjerdrum got to approve that their own work was carried out satisfactorily. Such self-approval is no longer legal in Norway.
Four companies were behind the design, groundwork, and construction of homes in one of the hardest-hit housing estates in the landslide at Ask in Gjerdrum.
All of them applied to be able to approve that their own work was carried out satisfactorily, which was granted by the municipality, newspaper Aftenposten writes.
The information is stated in some of the documents that the municipality has released after the accident.
A fifth company was responsible for the construction of the homes. That company also told the newspaper that they approved the work they had done in 2006 themselves.
New rules
In 2008 and 2010, new rules were introduced in Norway, according to which it was no longer allowed to approve work one has done by himself. According to the new rules, independent experts must carry out the checks.
All the work was carried out based on the ground research carried out by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI).
The documents also state that the municipality had the opportunity to carry out random checks to control the work, but that this was not done.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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