Around 2,000 inhabitants in Lier Municipality have declined recommended appointments for corona vaccination this summer.
“We have never experienced anything like this before and assume that many cases are connected with holidays,” Heidi Kristin Ringstad, who heads Lier’s vaccination program, told the newspaper Lierposten.
Those who have said no are between 18 and 44 years old and belong to the vaccination groups ten and eleven.
“It is positive for those who were after them on the list – they will move forward in the queue. But for the vaccination program, this means that we still have 2,000 people in groups ten and eleven who have not taken the first dose, and I do not know when we will be able to call them again,” Ringstad said.
In the Municipality, inhabitants are called in for vaccination at a specific time, while in other municipalities, such as the neighboring municipality of Drammen, people can choose between different times and dates.
By the end of week 28, everyone in Lier Municipality will be offered the first dose of the vaccine.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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