Asylum queue reduced in half in one year

UDI Logo, minor asylum seekersLogo UDI. Photo Norway Today Media

The number of asylum seekers at Norwegian asylum centers is back to the same level as it was in the summer of 2015, before the large influx last fall

In November last year the number had peaked at 31,633, and by the end of November this year there were 14,877 at asylum receiving centers, writes the newspaper VG.

Directorate of Immigration (UDI) is currently reviewing the cases of 5,189 persons.

UDI expects that the number will drop to around 4,500 during December, says Communication Adviser Kristian Nicolai Stakset-Gundersen from UDI to VG.

This year’s statistics show that 93 percent of asylum seekers from Eritrea and 85 percent from Syria have been granted residency in Norway, and 26 percent from Afghanistan.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today