Austria has introduced a new, so-called ’burka ban’

burkaBurka.Photo : Lise Åserud / SCANPIX

A new law has been introduced in Austria which makes it illegal to cover the face.

The ‘Burka ban’, as the law is commonly called, applies not only to religious garments. It is also not permissible to use oral coverings outside of hospitals, wear masks publicly, or goggles outside of ski resorts.

The law came into force on Sunday, and the police have been granted new powers of arrest if someone refuses to show their face.

Breaking the law risks a fine of 150 euros, equivalent to 1,400 kroner. It isn’t clear whether large, so called ‘mirrored drop sunglasses’ of the type worn by the cruel prison guard in Paul Newman’s classic ‘Cool Hand Luke’ , will be included in the ban.


© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today