Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, visited Stovner Police Station on Thursday.”Here, it has become tougher,” she said.
“There has been a deterioration in recent years. There are several who are registered as gang members in criminal environments, and it is a development that is going in the wrong direction. This means we have to look at the causes and come in and intervene at an earlier time,” said Solberg to NRK news.
The Minister of Integration, Jan Tore Sanner of Høyre (H), and Attorney General,Tor Mikkel Wara of Fremskrittsparti (Frp) participated in the visit. Wara also denoted the situation as serious.
“The police have today provided a good account of the situation in east Oslo, and generally related to the gang problem in Oslo. I’m looking at it very seriously.This is a development that has worsened in the past year,” Wara told Dagbladet newspaper.
The district is among the areas in Oslo which have experienced a major increase in
violence and turmoil lately.On Saturday night there was a shot fired in a Vestli restaurant. Up to 15 masked attackers participated. In addition, there have been nine shootings in Oslo since February.
Oslo police chief, Hans Sverre Sjøvold, announced on Monday that the Oslo police hastened 30 police officers to the incident and set up mobile police posts. In addition, the Oslo police have been given 30 million extra by parliament. In total, 41 people are employed in the unit in eastern Oslo. Overall, the Oslo police have been strengthened by 71 full-time officers.
Immigration and integration
“We have received an updated situation description, both in the youth challenge that
has been here, but also on more organised crime elsewhere in Oslo East. The situation has become a bit tougher, and more demanding,” said Erna Solberg, who believes both immigration and integration are part of the problem and solution.
“There are very many poor children who are in families who have immigrated to Norway,and the biggest increase is there in east Oslo. That means there are some living condition challenges there too. She said the police presence is very important.
“The police must also be able to take out those who actually conduct organised crime.We must also look at how we can work better with preventive work,” she said.
No new money
The Prime Minister did not bring new money solutions during the visit, which was reacted to by Arbeiderpartiet (Ap).
“I had expected that when the prime minister first visited Stovner, she would promise increased resources for the Oslo police district,” wrote Ap’s Lene Vågslid, who chairs the Justice Committee at parliament, in an email to NTB news.
According to the Oslo Police Association, the Oslo police must leave 200 positions unfilled this year due to financial shortages.
“It is absolutely unthinkable that the prime minister does not see the need for an increased police force in our capital,” said Vågslid.
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