Romanians in Bergen got to see the NRK documentary “Lykkelandet” in Bergen. They react strongly to how beggars are portrayed in the documentary.
According to the documentary “Lykkelandet”, a criminal network in Bergen has earned millions on organized begging, street prostitution and drugs sales, and that a network of approximately 140 Romani control the market for prostitution and begging in Norway’s second largest city.
On Thursday several beggars watched the documentary at the Robin Hood house in Bergen.
– I beg to survive, but now I’m afraid of being exposed to violence and harassment, Romanian Calin Stela told NRK after seeing the documentary.
She further says that she has not received a single coin in her cup of the Bergens after the documentary was shown.
– Most people who were here to see the documentary were upset, angry, sad and surprised. They are being stigmatized, advisor at the Robin Hood Foundation, Ingrid Husevåg Døskeland, says.
The Robin Hood Foundation is an offer for financially disadvantaged people in Bergen.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today