Since the new regulations for electric scooters were introduced in Oslo earlier this month, Bergen has become the city with the highest number of electric scooters per 10,000 inhabitants in Europe.
Lars Ove Kvalbein in Bergen Municipality told the newspaper Bergens Tidende that there are about 8,500 electric scooters in Bergen.
According to the newspaper, that means that Bergen has around 309 electric scooters per 10,000 inhabitants.
By comparison, cities like Paris, Berlin, and Rome all reported under 50 e-scooters per 10,000 inhabitants during a count this spring. Oslo previously had 340 electric scooters per 100,000 inhabitants, but now it has around 125.
There are no plans for changes in Bergen yet. But new regulations are underway.
Kvalbein estimates that the City Council could adopt the regulations at the beginning of 2022 at the earliest.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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