It was a homecoming for Lars Vaular when he was entertained at the annual light festival in Bergen on Saturday.
The beginning of advent was marked, as usual, with a candle party in Bergen town center on Saturday, reported Bergens Tidende newspaper. Avisa arranges the party, which is held this year for the 28th time.
A little bad weather didn’t stop the mountainous people from celebrating, and several thousand met up to enjoy music and fireworks.
There are usually 25,000 to 30,000 people at the event, but this year, BT organizer, Jolanta Montvilaite is unable to estimate the number who attended.
‘It was difficult weather, but we were delighted with the event. The event company estimates that there is room for 18,000 at Festplatsen, and there were people well around Smålungeren, said Montvilaite.
Actor and singer, Lykke Kristine Moen. opened the party with a translated version of Bob Dylan’s song, ‘Make You Feel My Love’, before Bergen Soul Children sang the audience several Christmas songs.
After Elida Hatlevik, one of this year’s finalists in Musik Grand Prix Jr., and Helge Jordal were on stage,
it was time for Bergen artist, Lars Vaular, who lives in Oslo, to entertain with a fireworks finale.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today