Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, has gained the support of star activist, Bono, with her on the team in the aid game. Bono, whose real name is Paul Hewson, is not entirely negative toward a partnership with proper developer, reality T.V. star and U.S.A.s’ president, Donald Trump.
‘This was in a single meeting! Usually, I try to twist the arms of the leaders. There can be terrible quarrels, and I’ve had one earlier today. So thanks’, said Bono when he met Solberg on the sidelines of the major security conference which was being held in Munich on Friday.
The press wanted to know, of course, what Bono had to say about President Donald Trump, a subject the artist would rather not talk about, knowing that it would inexorably become the headline.
When NTB news agency asked him if he had lost influence in the White House after the U.S. presidential election, he let himself be lured out.
‘We’ll see how it goes. Nobody believed that President George W. Bush would end up leading the largest health campaign in the history of medicine, namely the fight against HIV and AIDS.
We worked very closely with him on this. My band was not on speaking terms with me for a while, and it may not look as good outwardly, but I was proud of that partnership’, said Bono.
‘You only need one thing to agree to join together. That is why my global campaign and advocacy organization is called ‘One’. So we’ll see. I have no idea which way things will go’, he said.
Norway and Bono’s organization, ‘One’ are cooperating in connection to a donor conference for Chad, Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria, the four countries bordering Lake Chad. The conference will be held in Oslo next week.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today