Brazilian President met by protest campaigners

Oslo. Prime Minister Erna Solberg meets Brazilian President Michel Temer : Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

Brazilian President, Michel Temer, was met by protestors when he attended a breakfast meeting with Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Oslo on Friday morning.


Many protesters carried banners bearing slogans such as ‘Stop the destruction of the rainforest,’ and ‘Respect indigenous peoples’ rights,’ and ‘Protect human rights and democracy.’
Officially, Solberg and Temer were set to talk mostly about Norwegian investments in Brazil, but it was expected that the rainforest, and its continued destruction decades after this was already a top issue among ecological scientists and campaigners, would also be a theme for the two to discuss on Friday morning.
Norway has contributed more than 1 billion kroner to protect the Amazon rainforest, but deforestation increases.
Earlier this spring, climate minister Vidar Helgesen wrote a letter to the Brazilian authorities announcing that Norwegian payments could be suspended if Brazil does not show better results in the future.

One wonders whether such threats are merely idle chit-chat, as clearly very powerful financial interests are involved fully in the continued destruction, and such threats are more likely to amuse them than fill them with any sense of anxiety. One also wonders whether Vidar Helgesen knows that, and if so, why he doesn’t say it, and if not, why not?


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

1 Comment on "Brazilian President met by protest campaigners"

  1. Rogério Giachini | 23. June 2017 at 14:57 |

    Dear friends from Norway,
    Stop donating money to Brazilian government. At least half on the amount goes to corruption. All the time you are talking to a brazilian politician you are talking to a corrupt person. Does not matter how he/she convinces you with those beatiful words. If you want to help us tell them to give us the opportunity to study. It will no work anyway because they do not want to give us study. It is easy to control stupid people.

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