Convicted terrorist Anders Behring Breivik says the Nazi-like gesture he made in court Tuesday morning, was a type of Norse greeting.
Judge Helen Andenæs Sekulic asked Breivik to not repeat the gesture.
– Breivik, I would appreciate it if the rest of these days in court refrains come with such greetings as you did initially, she said.
– Okay? This is a Norse greeting that my ancestors used a thousand years ago, said Breivik.
When the judge then repeated her request, said Breivik:
– I’ll try to pay attention to it.
Breivik’s lawyer Øystein Storrvik says the news channel NTB that he has spoken to his client about the greeting, and that he hopes Breivik does not repeat it.
Breivik left the makeshift court rooms in Skien prison Tuesday afternoon without repeating the greeting.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today