Former lawyer for Anders Behring Breivik, Geir Lippestad, warns against censoring Breivik and believes it makes him look more important.
“I think it is right that the Norwegian press covers what he says in court, even if he uses the opportunity to promote his ideology,” Lippestad told the newspaper Vårt Land.
Lippestad was Breivik’s lawyer during the trial in 2012. He believes that fear that Breivik’s views will come out makes him more important than he actually is.
“The vast majority in right-wing extremist circles believe that his worldview and arguments are incoherent and unrealistic. Therefore, I think one should not be afraid to show them (note: Breivik’s views). With that, we show who Breivik really is,” Lippestad said.
Lippestad also does not believe that pictures of Breivik making the Nazi salute will hurt people if they are shown in context with what Breivik explains in court.
Lippestad believes that Breivik is not able to get the support of right-wing extremist groups nationally and internationally and that he is even less able to take on a leadership role in such groups.
Source : NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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