By 2023, almost all buses in Oslo will be electric, the City Council promises. Today, there are 76 electric buses in traffic in the capital. The goal is to have over 500.
To introduce an all-electric bus fleet in the capital, the City Council will set aside an extra NOK 50 million annually in the Oslo budget. Ruter’s total budget is over NOK 9 billion.
“Everything that can be electrified must be electrified,” City Council chief Raymond Johansen (AP stated).
At the same time, the public transport company Ruter faces major challenges. About half of its revenue is from ticket sales in normal years.
But with the coronavirus, the travelers have disappeared. In the last week of August, the number of trips was 73% compared to before corona.
Johansen says the City Council has asked the state for a six-month extension of Ruter’s compensation scheme, but so far, the national authorities have not put more money on the table.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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