Too few women between 25 and 29 follow the recommendation two take Pap smear, says the Cancer Society.
Four out of ten young women between 25 and 29 does not follow the recommendation two take cell samples from the cervix. According to the Cancer Society research results show That almost twice as many show up if the receive They depends sacrifice of time and place.
– A notice of time and place, just as mammography, should be Introduced as soon as possible is in order two increase item turnout and save more fromgetting cervical cancer. We have no time to lose, said Secretary General Anne Lise Ryel from Cancer Society.
In general, all women older than 25 years the receive a letter from the Cancer Registry every three years, with Instructions to contact a doctor for a smear.
A survey Conducted by the Cancer Society, shows That women not take Pap smear Because They forget it, pickup itself They find it uncomfortable. Meanwhile two out of three women confirmed That They had checked out if They had a fixed hour.
Now Cancer Society believe That the Minister of Health must take action.
– We are confident thatthis is an effective measure to get more women two take Pap smear. It will save lives, says researcher Trude Andreassen at the Cancer Registry.
Each year, over 300 women suffering from cervical cancer and 70 die from the disease. This kind of cancer is the most common in women under 35 years. By taking a smear test, doctors could detect and treat cervical dysplasia before cancer Developer.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today