The city council in Oslo has approved the plans for the new Fornebubanen (light rail). The goal is for the billion NOK project to be completed in 2024.
The new Fornebubanen, which will go from Majorstuen to Fornebu in Bærum, is approaching a final political response signal. Bærum municipality approved its part of the regulatory plan in 2015. This week, the City Council approved its part, says Aftenposten.
– “The Fornebubanen will become the largest subway development in Oslo in recent times. Very many have been waiting for it. The goal is for the course to be completed by 2024,” says urban development agency Hanna Marcussen (MDG).
Three of the course’s seven stations will be in Oslo, and Marcussen tells the newspaper that it has been difficult to work with such comprehensive regulation in such a tight building area. The regulation plan will now be processed by the City Council.
“I am pleased that the city council finally put forward the regulatory work. We will ensure a thorough assessment but will deal with a quick turn around as possible,” says the chairman, Eirik Lae Solberg (H) of the Transport Committee.
The price for the project is not clear, but Aftenposten uses an estimate which indicates that the project can cost 12-13 billion NOK.
The municipality of Oslo established the agency for the Fornebubanen in January. The agency has already signed a contract for the delivery of engineering services from Multiconsult and COWI to a value of several hundred million NOK.
– “The regulation plan is being processed by city council. While the process is in progress, we will work in parallel with the preliminary project, and technical clarifications that must be made within the framework of the plan,” says Director Irene S. Måsøval for the Fornebubanen to NTB.
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