Introducing a mobile use ban in schools, more charging stations for electric cars and dinner at home at 16:00 are some of the issues the Conservatives (Høyre) promises to work for before next year’s election.
“The mobile use rules must be managed locally, and it must be the individual teacher who decides,” says Deputy Minister and Knowledge Minister Jan Tore Sanner to VG.
Prime Minister and Party leader Erna Solberg answer all parents who are worried that they will not get in touch with their children:
– “Then I want to say that learning and teaching are more important than mobile contact. Is it serious, parents will call the school, as we did before,” says the Prime Minister.
The Conservative party recommend mobile use bans in the classrooms, but will not introduce a central ban on all schools.
The party’s central committee has picked up a series of political issues that they will make promises about during the campaign before the municipal elections on 9 September next year. Among the matters are several more charging stations for electric cars, that all municipalities should have a psychologist service by 2020, elderly at nursing homes will have dinner at 16:00, one hour of physical activity every day and cuts in the property tax.
© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today
damn… I can’t understand why using mobile in classroom was allowed in first place?!