The Crown Prince practiced amputation as an apprentice

Crown Prince Haakon.Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Crown Prince Haakon was involved as an apprentice when crew from Norsk Luftambulans practiced amputation in the field during an exercise on Thursday.


Tronarvingen participated during the exercise,Treningscamp Torpomoen,where 300 rescue workers are currently practicing at Fornebu in Bærum. Crown Prince Haakon is the Norwegian Luftambulans’ High Protection Officer and participated on Thursday when a helicopter team was to practice in an emergency situation.

Together with a team of pilots, physicians and rescuers,the crown prince himself was given the role of apprentice in the exercise to help two young men who had been rock climbing.One of them had been trapped under a large block of stones,and the medical team determined that acute amputation on the spot was the only solution.

Crown Prince Haakon was responsible for the blood supply and to keep the amputated leg.

“It was very interesting to see how they work closely.They are ready for work, even though they do not work together as teams daily. Things flow easily in a complicated situation, with a patient who has major trauma’’ said the Crown Prince after the exercise and debriefing with the team.

Norsk Luftambulanse stated that a so-called prehospital amputation (amputation outside hospitals) occurs approximately once a year in Norway.

“Since it happens so rarely, it’s all the more important to work out how to succeed when it does happen’’ the foundation wrote as background for the exercise.


© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today