Denmark investigates airline passengers for social security fraud

TravellingTravelling. Photo: Norway Today Media

The Danish government have decided to investigate flight passengers for security fraud. The first checks are already in progress at Copenhagen Airport.


“We do this primarily to investigate persons who travel out of Denmark, thus making themselves unavailable to the labour market, or participating in social security fraud in other ways,” said Denmark’s Labour Minister, Troels Lund Poulsen of Venstre.

He rejected the notion that the controls, aimed primarily at persons traveling outside the Schengen countries, are an expression of distrust of Danish beneficiaries.

‘’That’s by no means true. Now it’s time for control’s for those who receive social benefits. There is talk of payments worth several billion a year’’, said Poulsen.

The Danish authorities have hitherto stopped 21 travellers who had not made themselves available to the Danish labour market. These are now being investigated for social security fraud.

The scheme existed previously, but it ended in 2016.


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