Drammen: Relative enters corona-closed nursing home, nurse threatens to call police

DrammenPhoto: Cornelius Poppe / NTB

A nurse had to threaten to call the police after a visitor entered a corona-closed nursing home in Drammen when the infection rates were at their highest.

While the coronavirus situation was at its worst in Drammen, and the infection rates were at their highest, a visit ban was imposed on the nursing homes. 

At one nursing home, a relative still came on an unannounced visit to one of the residents, documents that newspaper Drammens Tidende has been given access to show.

The visitors ignored the information given at the reception that a visit ban had been imposed. Instead, the relatives pushed the barriers in the hallway aside and ran into the room of the family member who lived at the nursing home, according to Drammens Tidende.

“Painful for many people”

A nurse followed the relative into the resident’s room. Only when the nurse said that she would call the police did the relative leave the nursing home.

“It is difficult to comment on a single incident, but it is clear that this pandemic has been demanding for relatives. It has been painful for many people, with such strict restrictions,” Hege Torgersen Rokke, the municipal manager for home services and institutions in Drammen, noted.

An overview of the infection situation in Drammen made by newspaper VG shows that 34 residents of nursing homes in Drammen have died after being infected by the coronavirus, according to Drammens Tidende.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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