The Dutch defence force forgot to buy warm winter clothes for the soldiers participating in the NATO exercise in Norway in October according to Aftenposten newspaper.
The soldiers themselves have to go to the store to shop for clothes that can stand against the Norwegian autumn weather.
The case was raised during a Question Time at the Dutch National Assembly on Tuesday according to Aftenposten.The politicians in most other parties reacted with disbelief when the news was revealed by the newspaper, De Telegraaf.
Secretary of State, Barbara Visser, had to assure both the government party and opposition parties that the thousand soldiers who’ll attend the NATO Trident Juncture exercise should not pay for new clothes.But they have to go to the store and buy them and get an advance of 1,000 euros, around 9,500 kroner.
The Dutch Defence Force regularly sends marines and elite forces to winter training in Norway. It is therefore odd that they apparently had forgotten that the temperature in the Norwegian mountains rapidly fall below freezing in the autumn.
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