Special benefit arrangements for refugees continues

refugeesRefugees. Photo:Pixabay.

End of special benefit arrangements for refugees did not get  majority vote in Parliament

Only Fremskrittspartiet (Frp), and Høyre (H), politicians voted yes to the Government’s proposed removal of a number of special rules for refugees in the National Insurance Scheme. It wasn’t enough to gain a majority for the changes to be brought to Parliament.

‘The main reason for the proposed changes was to remove the special benefits that refugees, unlike Norwegian citizens,have had,’ said Frp’s spokesman for employment, Erlend Wiborg

He said it is ‘incredibly disappointing’ that the Arbeiderpartiet (Labour Party-Ap) and Senterpartiet (Sp) are against the changes.

‘I don’t think newcomers should have better arrangements than people born and raised in Norway,’ said Wiborg.

Minimum 5 years to obtain cash support

The only one of the proposals to receive a majority was the requirement of a minimum of five years residence before refugees could be granted cash support.

There was no majority to remove the exemption from the 40 year retirement and disability benefit covenant granted to refugees. Nor to make it more difficult to take Norwegian benefit support abroad. Suggestions for a legal maximum limitation of days abroad ranged from 45 to 90 days.

‘I, and Frp, believe it’s unfair that immigrants get the same rights that Norwegian workers have spent almost their whole lives,working for’, said Wiborg disconsolately.


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