Already, a full two years ago, engineer Stein H. Stokkebø warned of the danger of avalanches in the Sørum area, where three Lithuanian people (43, 27 and 47 years) probably died on Thursday.
‘I’ve seen the warning signs in several places in this area, I explained them to Sørum municipality, and told them what will happen and why. The latest warning was a short time ago, I summarized that this would happen. I considered the chances to be high that something would happen in 2016’, said Managing Director, Stein H. Stokkebø of Stokkebø Competanse to the newspaper Romerikes Blad.
Stokkebø said that for two years, he has repeatedly warned Sørum municipality that something like this could happen; referencing a project he is involved in. Stokkebø claims the municipality has ‘strongly rejected all explanations and warnings.’
Sørum’s Mayor, Marianne Grimstad Hansen says she doesn’t know about the warnings.
The Commune Leader for environmental and social development in Sørum municipality, Marianne Aasen, would not comment on the allegations.
Three people who did forestry work in the area were buried by a massive earth and mud avalanche that happened on Thursday. Police assume that the three were killed in the accident, although they haven’t been found. The search has been resumed on Friday morning.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today