Everybody infected with COVID-19 develops antibodies, according to new Swedish study

Coronavirus testingPhoto: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

All of the people infected with the coronavirus who participated in a new Swedish study developed antibodies. However, for patients with mild symptoms, particularly sensitive testing methods are required.

The study is small and included only 47 patients from Sahlgrenska Hospital in Göteborg, but the findings described seem promising. 

The patients were followed up with blood tests for up to three months after being infected with COVID-19.

All patients who received severe disease developed high levels of antibodies, which could be detected in standard tests.

Furthermore, 90% of patients with a milder course of the disease developed antibodies that appeared on standard tests. 

Samples from the remaining patients were tested with a more sensitive testing method. 

The researchers then discovered antibodies in this group, as well.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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