The police require extended detainment for four weeks of indicted public figure
The police are expanding the indictment and will require four weeks of imprisonment for the public figure which has been charged with immoral behaviour in Troms.
The detainment of indicted man expires on Thursday at 4 pm The man’s defender was Thursday informed that the police are going to ask for the detainment to be extended.
– I am verbally informed that the police want extended detainment, but have not received a written statement yet, says his lawyer, Ulf E. Hansen, to NTB.
The police confirm that they will request extended detainment for four more weeks, on the grounds that there is a danger of loss of evidence. The detainment hearing started in North Troms district court at 2 pm on Thursday.
– We oppose further detainment, says Hansen.
Expanded the indictment
The man was first detained last Thursday. The police asked Nord-Troms district court for two weeks of detainment, but the court decided that one week would suffice. He was also subject to letter and visit control during custody.
The man was questioned for twelve hours on Wednesday.To Nordlys, the lawyer says that after the hearing he was informed that the charge against his client is to be extended.
The defence lawyer has previously stated that his client refuses any affiliation with the case and that he is denying the charges against him.
The police have been reluctant to comment on the case, but announced Wednesday that they go through seizures in order to find additional evidence against the man. The seizures consist of images, videos and conversation logs.
At 18 o’clock on Thursday, the police will hold a press conference where they will inform about the status of the case and the grounds for demanding further detainment. North Troms District Court’s decision will then be announced after the police’s request for prolonged detainment.
Earlier matters
The matters in the case are subject to both before and after the new Penal Code came into force on October 1, 2015. He supposedly was reported for a similar matter in 2016, but this was subsequently put aside by the police because it was difficult to prove that the man had used his position to achieve sexual intercourse.
– We do not wish to say wheter the indicted has been in contact with the police before, says Chief of Police, Anita Hermandsen to NTB.