The Norwegian Embassy in Pakistan have revealed cheating on nearly 60% of all applications for family immigration to Norway.
According to NRK news, for several years, the Norwegian authorities have suspected extensive cheating on such application forms. Last year, this prompted the Embassy in Pakistan to launch a special investigation.
The report from the investigation project, which was delivered before Christmas and read by NRK news, stated that the Embassy had revealed false or suspicious documents and information in 58% of the investigated family immigration cases.
Of a total of 48 investigated cases, 19 contained completely fake documents or information, while nine cases contained suspicious documents or information.
‘Hidden behind the numbers are forced marriages, polygamy, and pro forma marriage,’ said Cecilie Sande Amundsen, district director of the Immigration Directorate (UDI).
The figures are consistent with the results of other Western countries’ surveys, that work much more thoroughly with the control of documents than Norway. According to the Embassy, UDI asks for verification of documents in only about 20% of family reunification cases, while other countries control all documents.
‘The history and background of family members often match the documents in the case. Therefore, verification of documents and the Norwegian police interview are largely overlapping control methods. We believe it is more effective to reveal pro forma marriage and polygamy if Norwegian police control the history’s,’ said
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