During last year’s New Year celebration 18 people got eye injuries caused by fireworks.
Use goggles and stay sober, is among the advice to Norwegians who will inaugurate 2017 with the colorful explosives.
– We hope for there to be zero injuries during New Year celebrations, as the event should be an enjoyable affair.There is a danger that there will be injuries this year too despite our hopes.
We hope that people use goggles, are sober and keep children away from where people lite up fireworks, stated Director Anne Rygh Pedersen of the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) to news agency NTB.
During last year’s New Year celebrations 18 people in Norway got eye injuries caused by fireworks, according to the DSB. People receiving fireworks-related eye injuries in connection with the New Year celebrations, has been between 15 and 18 over the past five years.
– If there is a firework that does not work, do not try it again. This is one reason why accidents happen, says Pedersen.
Instead of trying to ignite it again, wait 30 minutes, soak the fuse with water and deliver the fireworks back to the dealer, said the Council of DSB.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today