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Festivals tighten security due to Oslo terrorist attack

ØyafestivalenPhoto: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Several festivals in Norway have tightened security in the aftermath of the recent terrorist attack in the capital.

“When the tragic incident in Oslo happened, we adjusted the security level accordingly,” security chief Martin Holmes in Bergen live told the newspaper Aftenposten.

After the terrorist attack at the end of June, the Police Security Service (PST) raised the threat level to 4. 

Anyone attending a summer festival must be prepared to be checked a little more thoroughly than before.

“Inspections have indeed been tightened on the basis of incidents around the world,” Henning Kristiansen, the general manager of the security company Prosec, stated. Prosec is responsible for security at several of the biggest Norwegian festivals and events this summer.

Managing director Tone Østerdal of the interest organization Norske kulturrangører says the industry has become more concerned with safety in recent decades. She believes that people can feel safe at festivals this summer.

“Yes, I have no reason to believe otherwise. Certain extreme events, such as the shooting in Oslo, are almost impossible to protect against, but in general, there is no reason why people need to be afraid at a festival,” she stated.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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