Eighty guests at the Christmas dinner party at Aker Brygge are infected with the coronavirus, and 17 have tested positive for omicron. In total, 73% of the guests have been infected with corona. In addition, 60 other guests at the restaurant have been infected.
A total of 140 people have thus been infected with corona after the Christmas dinner party at the restaurant Louise Restaurant & Bar on Friday, November 26, according to the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) and the Oslo Municipality.
The analysis of some of the samples that will determine how many people have been infected with the omicron variant is still underway.
The FHI assumes that most people have been infected with the variant. The 17 cases of omicron infection were confirmed on December 8.
Took a test 1-3 days before the Christmas dinner party
All participants at the Christmas dinner party were asked to take a rapid test before the party. Everyone reported that they had a negative result (PCR or rapid test) one to three days before the event.
Most participants were aged 30-50 years and reported receiving a second dose of vaccine in the May-November 2021 period.
Eight people had traveled outside Norway – to different countries in Africa and Europe – in the last two weeks before the Christmas dinner party.
No hospital admissions have been reported.
Large spread of infection
The FHI points out that the spread of infection has been large, even though the vast majority of guests were vaccinated with two doses of the corona vaccine.
“It is known that situations where many people are close indoors have a great risk of spreading the infection,” the FHI pointed out.
So far, most infected people have not become seriously ill. Almost everyone got symptoms and feelings of illness relatively shortly after the Christmas dinner party.
“This was a relatively young, fully vaccinated group where one would not normally expect many seriously ill. Therefore, it is difficult to say anything about the severity of the disease with this variant based on these preliminary results,” the FHI noted.
The figures are based, among other things, on telephone surveys with the participants. 95% answered the survey.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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