Dies after fire truck accident in Kvinesdal

Fire truck Kvinesdal AccidentA total of five people are involved in the fire truck accident. One has died and two are suffering from minor injuries, according to Agder Police District. Photo: Tipster / NRK

Fireman dies after fire truck accident in Kvinesdal

One person has died and two are injured, after a fire truck drove off the road in Omland in Kvinesdal (West Agder), The accident happened when the fire service was heading for another accident in the area.

“We are in the process of taking care of those involved. Investigations are carried out to find out what caused the accident,” Operations Manager at Agder Police District, Sveinung Alsaker, tells NRK.


There have been two air ambulances on site after the accident. One of these has lifted off, eyewitnesses informs.

The Police tweets about the fatal accident at 12.45 on Sundag. It is described as being serious.

No other vehicles are involved in the accident. County road 465 is blocked as a result thereof.

“A fire truck has driven off the road. It was on its way to another accident, in which a tractor overturned,” lsaker tells VG.


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Fædrelandsvennen writes that the tractor accident was reported at 12.08. This is the aforementioned accident which the fire truck was on its way to when it lost control.

Two persons were on the tractor when it overturned on Vesterdalsvegen on County Road 465. They are sent to the hospital for control, but appear to be relatively unscathed,” the police concludes.

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