3000-4000 Norwegians die each year from heart attacks. Roughly another 12,000 suffer from stroke. Calculations show that we can save 200 lives a year if we are better on lifesaving treatment.
Minister for Health and Human Services, Bent Høie, a kickstart a national effort to teach lifesaving.
AMK centers, ambulances and services offered by Emergency Medical Centres, delivers world-class advanced emergency treatment.
We can save even more lives by increasing citizens’ basic knowledge of lifesaving first aid and get an even better interaction with AMK. (Emergency Medical Communication)
Directorate of Health and Minister Høie has therefore brought together representatives of health authorities, politicians, NGOs, Laerdal, Gjensidige Foundation, professionals and researchers to an initial meeting at Utstein Abbey in Rogaland.
Now all good forces work together to enhance the knowledge of lifesaving first aid. The “volunteer” will increase preparedness throughout Norway.
– Now we strengthen overall preparedness in Norway, and help save more lives. I am glad that people from different sectors of life, is part of this national effort that could save 200 lives.
We must all increase our knowledge of lifesaving first aid and call 113 (medical emergency) when required. The cost to society is so little, and can mean so much to those involved, says Minister Høie.
Source: Ministry of Health / Norway Today