Insurance companies had received reports of 2,300 flood damages by Tuesday evening, worth about 250 million kroner.
“The final level of damage is not yet clear, because we are still in a very early phase,” says Stine Neverdal, Communications Manager in Finans Norge which administers Norsk Naturskadepool.
The figures from Finans Norge and Norsk Naturskadepool show that much of the flood damage is very extensive, so the compensation of around 250 million is going to rise. In addition, damage to cars and boats have occured.
“Many cellars and entire houses have been flooded with water and several large industrial buildings are also damaged by the water masses,” says Neverdal.
Customers must make direct contact with their own insurance company as soon as they get an opportunity. Insurance companies have strengthened the staffing to help those affected.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today