Foreigners exposed to domestic violence will be allowed to stay


The government will expand the provision that today gives a stay to a foreigner only if s/he has been subjected to abuse in his/her relationship.


The amendment implies that a stay shall also be granted if the abuse has been carried out by other members of the household than the applicant’s partner.

“Today one can only stay if the violence is exercised by the partner.

We know that in many cases it is not only the partner behind the abuse or the negative social control. Therefore, we propose that the provision on self-reliance based on violence in close relationships should also apply when the abuse is exercised by other members of the household or of the in-laws,” said Tor Mikkel Wara, Deputy Minister for Justice and Immigration.

The proposal is a follow-up of measure 5 in the government’s action plan against negative social control, forced marriage and genital mutilation.


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