Former KrF politician convicted of rape and sexual abuse


A former Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF) politician in Hordaland has been sentenced to three years in prison for sexual intercourse with an 11 year old girl. The man was also convicted of other abuse.


The man in his 40’s retired from all the posts in the party in August 2016, wrote Bergens Tidende newspaper.

When the trial went to Bergen District Court last week, the man acknowledged blame for sexual intercourse with an 11 year old girl. The assaults took place between 2013 and 2016. He didn’t fully recognise a penalties or any punishment at all for the other charges.

The man has now been convicted of sexual intercourse with children under 14 years old, two cases of committing a sexual act, and two cases of sexual abuse against children under the age of 16, as well as several incidents of sexually abusive behaviour.

‘We got the impression that the prosecution’s punishment proposals were too high. My client is further convicted of incidents he does not acknowledge punishment for. It is a thorough judgment that we will review carefully before we decide on a possible appeal,’ said the man’s defence lawyer, Rolf Knudsen.

The man wqs also sentenced to pay two girls a total of NOK 150,000 kroner in restitution.

‘The defendant has, according to the court’s view, demonstrated firm criminal offences. The acts committed didn’t appear to be impulsive. He gained a trusted friendship relationship with both the victims and their parents. The defendant repeatedly used situations where he could carry out abuses in his own residence’, stated the unanimous verdict.


© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today

1 Comment on "Former KrF politician convicted of rape and sexual abuse"

  1. But when immigrants rape 5000 underage girls, no punishment for them. No payment for restitution. The investigation is blocked by Soros organizatins. This is why the police chief in Malmo resigned. They didn’t let him prosecute the perpetrators, which were mostly immigrants, to not violate “immigrant rights”. I guess one of the granted immigrant rights is to rape without punishment.

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