A German man in his 50s who fell in the sea in Fosenstraumen between Austrheim and Radøy in Nordhordland on Thursday, died of injuries he suffered.
The man was found in the sea 400-500 meters south of Fosenstraum Bridge. He was brought ashore and it was performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation until he was flown by rescue helicopter to Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, says Western Police District.
His life was, however, could not be saved, according to Haukeland.
– Both the man and his dog fell into the sea from land. The dog managed to get back up on shore, but the man was seen drifting towards Fesøysundet, where there are strong currents, said on-duty rescue leader Kjetil Hagen from JRCC Southern Norway to NTB.
Four vessels and two helicopters took part in the search for the man. The search been performed both at sea and on land.
There was a witness who reported to the police a little over 11 o’clock on Thursday.
According to police, the man wasa German citizen in the 50s. Police have been in contact with the man’s next of kin who are followed up by the municipal crisis team.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today