A total of 24 corona infection cases have been registered in Oslo in the last 24 hours, less than half as many as last week and 40 fewer than the average in the last week.
The number of new cases in the capital hasn’t been as low since October 11. At that time, 21 new cases of infection were registered.
The peak was reached a little over a month later – on November 19, when 242 new infection cases were registered.
The number of infection cases in the last 24 hours is 14 fewer than the day before. On the same day last week, 59 cases of infection were registered.
Stovner district still has the highest infection pressure, with 315 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks. Søndre Nordstrand is in second place, with 283 infection cases per 100,000.
Nordre Aker district
The lowest infection pressure has been registered in the Nordre Aker district, where the number is 53 for the last two weeks.
A total of 17,787 people in the capital have been registered as infected since March last year.
About a quarter of the cases, almost 4,400, have been registered in the age group 20 to 29 years.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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