Investing in girls’ education is one of the most important things we can do, former Prime Minister of Britain Gordon Brown says. He heads an international commission that will ensure financing of children’s schooling worldwide.
Oslo will host 25 heads of state and political leaders whi now gather to discuss new ideas on how to ensure schooling for children of the world. Nearly 60 million children worldwide receive no schooling, and billions need to be invested in this .
– Investment in education is investment in the rest of society. If we put education first, the world will reap substantial gains in terms of development and prosperity, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) said ahead of the summit Monday.
Thanks Norway
At the press conference former prime minister of Britain, Gordon Brown joined the Norwegian Prime Minister. Brown, who heads the International Education Commission, started by thanking Norway and Prime Minister Solberg in particular, for the work that has led to the creation of the commission.
– Without Prime Minister Solberg we would not have this commission, and education would not have been so high on the international agenda as it is now, Brown said.
The girls’ right to education is high on the Commission’s list of priorities, and their work will open new doors in many important areas, such as financing.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today