The Navy is awarded NOK 4.4 billion in the state budget for 2019. That is an increase of NOK 295 million compared with 2018. This According to Nettavisen.
“We as Norwegians are a peace-loving nation, we are not war mongers and we do not create conflict, but in today’s reality we must have a good defence to claim our own sovereignty, and then we must have an operational naval defence. When the government allocates 300 million kroner, this will be strengthened,” says Abid Raja (V).
According to Raja, the money will be used to create a more robust Norwegian naval defence.
“This initiative increases the operational availability of the Navy’s forces and results in a significant reduction in the risk that planned activity cannot be implemented,” said Raja.
To the newspaper, Hårek Elvenes (H) says that they strongly believe that the proposal will be voted on.
“There is no disagreement within the government, and there is great interest in defence policy in the opposition. It is possible that SV and Red will vote against it, but we expect a broad majority.”
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