The government is required to tighten up on the hiring of temporary labor

Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Anniken Hauglie (Conservative Party).Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix

The majority of Parliament adopted Thursday, Labor Party’s proposal which instructs the government to tighten strongly on the rules for the hire of temporary labor.


“This is a big day for Norwegian work force,” says Arild Grande, Aps’s spokesman for working life.

With the decision in the box, the government is required to amend the Working Environment Act to restrict temporary hires and instead protecting that they are offered permanent, full-time positions which should be the standard in Norwegian working life. The proposal was supported by SV, Rødt, Sp, KrF and MDG.

“Today’s decision imposes a strong tightening of the regulations governing temporary labor hire and a ban on the employment industry’s employment contracts with so-called ‘permanent employee without pay between assignments’ In addition, the majority of Parliament requires stricter control to remove illegal hiring,” said Grande.

“It is important to ensure a serious working life for all of us, and it is important to ensure the safety of everyday life for the individual,” he states.

The six parties require the government to make changes quickly so that Parliament can handle this case before the summer.

LO Secretary Trude Tinnlund is very pleased and believes the decision is an important step towards a more secure work life. She says it is a clear order for the work of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Anniken Hauglies (H), on the amendments to the Working Environment Act, and what it must contain on the definitio of permanent employment and tightening of temporary employees.

“Of course, we wanted to go further, but when KrF is now contributing to the majority, there is a strong signal of a shift in labor policy. Hauglie has stated that she will clean up slave-like conditions in the staffing industry. Now she has to deliver,” says Tinnlund.


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