60 guardians for unaccompanied asylum seekers have signed a petition against the government. The strict asylum policy makes life tough for those who want help, they argue.
Guardians have written to the Prime Minister and the members of parliament that the asylum policy has led to terror, dismay and deep depression amongst those who are staying at asylum centers, writes Dagsavisen. “In practice, it is now virtually impossible for those who are over 16 years old to obtain asylum in Norway,” write the guardians, who are clear that this also affects those who are working as guardians and that more people are now saying no to assignments because of the psychological impact.
– We guardians are also traumatized by all the pain that is being inflicted on children. Erna Solberg has encouraged more people to sign up as guardians.
Then, through Listhaug she hands us the fate of so many damaged children that we guardians also are being damaged by it, says Odd Erik Germundsson, who has been a guardian since 2003.
The State Secretary Torkil Åmland for Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) maintains that children who need protection are granted residence in Norway.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today