More than half of the health care workers in Oslo say they have felt unsafe at work during the coronavirus crisis. This is according to a survey conducted by TV2 and the Trade Union Federation.
Siri Follerås, head of the Norwegian Union for Nursing and Care in Oslo, feels that the insecurity of the staff has largely been linked to fears of being infected and of infecting patients and their own family, reports TV 2
Lack of personal protection equipment against the virus has also been a major concern throughout the health care system.
“We must go to war with bad weapons,” remarked the union leader.
TV 2 has had the Trade Union Federation pose questions to their members in Oslo, who are among others employees at nursing homes, in organized housing and in the home care service.
473 of the more than 9,000 members answered the questions in three days from April 4 to 6.
56 percent said they feel unsafe at work because of the corona pandemic.
One in three said they have experienced a violation of the infection control rules in which they work. 27 per cent state that they have experienced a risk of being unnecessarily infected.
City Council Secretary Per Anders Langerød of the City Council Department for Health, Elderly and Residential Services in Oslo wrote in an SMS to TV 2 that they must go through the survey properly before coming to any conclusions
“The findings on infection control, without knowing the details of the study, are not good enough and must be followed up,” explained Langerød.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
Are all patients wearing facemasks or a covering of some kind too, to keep their infection from getting out and infecting staff?
This would be good to know, regarding a danger to staff.
Unicare (2Care) staff are not wearing fasemasks as per company instrucrion and no sanitizer at all. This is dangerous for the patients and their families.. This is wake up call to the company to provide protections for their staff .