Health institute: Norway should put entire Europe outside Nordic region on “red” list

coronamap FHI 03102020Source: FHI

The whole of Europe outside the Nordic region could turn “red” if the government decides to follow the recommendation of Norway’s National Insititute of Public Health (FHI). 

On Tuesday, FHI recommended the introduction of entry quarantines for passengers traveling from Cyprus, Liechtenstein, and Latvia.

In the last two weeks, the countries have had 25.6, 36.5, and 29.2 confirmed coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively.

FHI also recommends that the regions Gotland, Värmland, Västernorrland, and Norrbotten in Sweden, as well as North Karelia and Vaasa healthcare districts in Finland, are put on the “red” list.

That would be the third time since March that Värmland is redlisted, according to newspaper Romerikes Blad.

If the government follows the recommendations, Kalmar will be the only Swedish region that is not “red.” 

At the moment, Denmark and Iceland are also “red.”

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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